Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Kasab Found Guilty

Yes you heard it right, After so many twists to Ajmal kasab trial, he is finally found guility, no pun intended here, You might be wondering that it is the greatest discovery of 21st century. It took around 16 months for the supreme court to make this amazing discovery. One among the charges included "walking inside the railway station without a platform ticket". No wonder Indian Govt is spending so much on his security and health !! Rs. 2 Lakh per day ? Given the Nature of Indian Legal system, There is no wonder if Indian Govt take a decade to hang him. In India, where police cops like Rathore who was responsible for a 14 year old girl -Ruchika's death is still roaming outisde, and Jaish-e-Mohammed militant Mohd Afzal who was sentenced to death for the 2001 attack on parliament is still having fun behind bars eating mutton biriyanis, I wouldn’t be surprised if Kasab is given an opportunity to submit a mercy petition before the President of India.Ever wondered how dumb can an IPS officer be? This is the perfect example of it. where Kasab citied as inspiration to Indian Police by an IPS officer. I seriously do not know whether to celebrate or hang my head in shame. I personally feel he should be hanged in public before 26/11 victim families. Infact Auction the hangman's job. I'm sure many would love to do that!!


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Update: Kasab gets death. Judge mentions about, how Kasab was anxious to attack India and how he was disappointed when there was not so much rush at the Mumbai CST, etc.

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