Friday, March 26, 2010

Pre marital Sex

The Supreme Court recently ruled that live-in relationships and pre-marital sex cannot be treated as an offence. This surprises me a bit, because this could mean that dating culture is legal in India, or going a step ahead it could also mean that prostitution is legal now. Some could argue that how prostitution is equal to premarital sex but it could give people an easy escape when someone brings  a prostitute home or hotel; he can always claim that they are in a living relationship.  Prostitution cases won't have any solid ground to stand. Well the days when lot of scandals like Tiwari’s and Nityananda came to light, this is certainly an interesting news.The judgement on premarital sex hurting Indian ethos is the least I expected.from Supreme Court. It isn`t premarital sex if you have no intention of getting married. Its nothing but adultery.


  1. @Kaush: This is a foul piece of fallacy. In earlier days protection wasn’t available, and pregnancy out of wedlock was frowned upon, it is implied that pre-marital sex wasn’t feasible. I feel it is not the business of judiciary to decide what is good and bad between two rational adults. Some frivolus case came to them, and just to clear their throat, they passed out this rule.

  2. interesting points by kaushik.
