Saturday, September 11, 2010

Google Instant

I am still around, I won’t give up on this blog so easily..Some Personal stuff kept me busy over the last one month and still the ups and downs continues.




Google now started to live stream search results. Does it mean that Google is streaming search ads? May be not, the advertisers are only charged on ad click through, so may be its for a better user experience. Some one has already tried this on bing, not as fast as google, but intelligent enough.


I am wondering how is it going to change the way users query. Will the average length of the query changes, if So what would happen to search advertising. As a user, I definitely find this feature useful. It lets me iterate more quickly through different search strings. Google might be dramatically increasing the server load per user-keystroke with this improvement, where instead of returning a short list of suggestions they are returning entire search results. This might be a big investment in terms of physical resources. There’s a blog post that explains how live streaming impacts their backend (and the optimizations).

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