Thursday, November 26, 2009

One year of 26/11: Any thing changed?

One year from the nation's worst / deadliest attack and nothing much has changed except from those few panel discussions. My earlier post about the documentary which is not shown by the Indian Media is here. You can get more details here . Some of the news traders and news manufactures got padmashree also. Following are the key excerpts.
“channels pumping testosterone and high on adrenaline went into overdrive providing non-stop 60 hours live orgasmic coverage of the 26th November Mumbai terror attack. I suspect no other event over the past decade and a half has had as much coverage by Indian media as 26/11.”

The Dan Reed documentary is thus, for them, the worst of news. It is embarrassing and damaging as it shows all too clearly the link between the media coverage and the actions of the terrorists and their handlers. And it almost casually leaves us with an elephant in the room, viz., the possibility that lives of hostages and members of the armed forces may have been lost or endangered on the altar of the fierce competition between channels for better TRPs and the need for exclusives in the midst of carnage and human tragedy.
Many have sacrificed their lives last year on the same day. Tributes to all the brave hearts who lost their lives saving thousands of people. RIP....And to the media who goes to any extent for their TRP ratings and Ad Revenues, Many people have stopped watching the hysterical news channels a long back. The Internet is a far more unbiased information.

1 comment:

  1. I completely contradict this point

    "The Internet is a far more unbiased information"

    If the TV channels are trying to increase TRPs, so are the websites trying to increase UU's, page views etc.

    There is competition every where dude, and I would say it's even fierce in internet as only gate way is google these days.
