Monday, November 16, 2009

Sixth Sense Technology

Most of this had been seen already...but its worth watching everytime...Main person behind this is Pranav Mistry, a MIT graduate. He worked with Microsoft as a UX researcher. This is simply mind blowing,  An update from an earlier TED Talk Check out he made a piece of paper an interactive screen. One of the most Fascinating TED talks. More news on the Pranav's technology , Best Part is he is going to make it opensource.

1. Camera: A webcam captures an object in view and tracks the user's hand gestures. It sends the data to the smart phone.
2. Colored Markers: Marking the user's fingers with red, yellow, green, and blue tape helps the webcam recognize gestures. Mistry is working on gesture-recognition algorithms that could eliminate the need for the markers.
3. Projector: A tiny LED projector displays data sent from the smart phone on any surface in view--object, wall, or person. Mistry hopes to start using laser projectors to increase the brightness.
4. Smart Phone: A Web-enabled smart phone in the user's pocket processes the video data, using vision algorithms to identify the object. Other software searches the Web and interprets the hand gestures.


  1. Just FYI, he worked in MSIDC for an year and half or so, and he was Rajesh's team during that time.
