Thursday, September 24, 2009

IIT Faculty: Hunger Strike

IIT Facutly go on a hunger strike today. I empathize with IIT's faculty. Students they coach get jobs that pay lakhs, and here they are sado-fying. Unfortunately only ministers have the privilege to hike their own salary. Kapil Sibal refuses IIT faculty pay hike demand. IIT faculty should be given pay on par with those at Harvard, Stanford etc. This would motivate others to join IITs as profs. Why protest like unionists, Sibal asks IIT faculty I am not sure, What's wrong with protesting like a trade union? Not to take him too literally, but I am quite disappointed that Kapil Sibal could have made such an uninformed remark.

It scares me that the professors from our most prestigious institutes call hunger strikes. What era are we living in? what did anyone ever get out of hunger strike in this country? The level of intelligence they actually possess, they certainly deserved to be treated in a much better way. Definitely Not like this, Teaching with an empty stomach. There is more and more Govt. intervention into IITs over the last few years. It’s not healthy.
They should negotiate more and convince the HRD Ministry. Its certainly alarming and grabbing too much media attention. Its seriously hurting the image of India's Premier Institutes. IIT Brand is in danger now. Never thought I would feel so bad for the IIT/IIM profs. We should pay our teachers fairly.

Photo Courtesy: CSE Department, IIT Kanpur.


  1. People talk about Brain drain in India. I am not surprised why this problem exists. Like citizes belonging to many countries, indians want to stay in India but had to flood to different regions in search of correct market for their talents. I would completely support hikes for profs not only for giving correct recognition for them but also to encourage research, more PHD's in India else india will just can grow in terms of product based companies.

  2. @Sateesh: Can't agree more, Its not about correct market for their talent. Its about money as well, why people fly to other countries.

  3. I agree with you. Now a days, IT industry is paying much more than what govt pays to Profs. Government should encourage the research by offering the pay proportional to the IT industry or Stanford or any other premiure institutes in the world.
