Tuesday, September 29, 2009

To one person..

When you feel down, you need to acknowledge it, embrace it, experience it, and then let it ride itself out and move on. There is never a quick fix to pain or rather sorrows. Ups and downs, troubles, sorrows and Happiness are part of life. They are nothing but an internal phenomenon - Your personal reaction to the situation. we just need to conquer them. If one is not able to handle the downside of his/her life, one should simplify the situation- tackle one problem at a time. I hope that you do the same. 

Welcome back Eddy...It is so good to see you back. I hope something triggered you back into blogging and whatever it is, I am sure it is going to bring the best out of you. You are a strong person and I am sure you are going to bounce back with strong vigour and passion. Good luck and All the very best. I am happy! No, I am ecstatic. A wish has been granted. Rather a mission has been accomplished. I swear this would be my last meaningless post.

And here is your welcome back gift. Nothing hard here: Simply paste the following code wherever you want on your template.


if(isset($_COOKIE['comment_author_'.COOKIEHASH])) {

$lastCommenter = $_COOKIE['comment_author_'.COOKIEHASH];

echo "Welcome Back ". $lastCommenter ."!";

} else {

echo "Welcome, Guest!";




  1. hi Ram nice blog, but where to paste it, i dont know PHP

  2. I can see it as separate php script. where can it be used ? sure this doesn't store 'comment_author_'
